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Av Anji - 22 januari 2023 20:03




Vd på Planned Parenthood positiv till porr för småbarn


Bill Taverner, vd Center for Sex Education på Planned Parenthood.

Inflytelserika Planned Parenthood of America och dess underavdelning Center for Sex Education (CSE) är i blåsväder. CSE:s vd Bill Taverner har i ett flertal olika intervjuer förespråkat sexualundervisning för barn redan då de är i förskoleåldern. Han har även yttrat att ”användbar kunskap om porr” kan främja barns utveckling.

I en tid då barns deltagande i förskola och övrig skolmiljö tycks skifta fokus från sund utbildning till sexualundervisning, ser kritiker med oro på den idévärld som Planned Parenthood presenterar.

Nyhetskanalen Fox News har granskat uttalanden som CSE:s vd Bill Taverner gjort under åren. Fristående kan vissa uttalanden anses rimliga medan andra är av mer uppseendeväckande slag.

Bill Taverner har exempelvis uttryckt att ”barn i en viss ålder bör få kunskap om pornografi i sexualundervisningen” samt ”en del av det (porr) är fel men det finns bra grejer där också”.

– Vi har i vårt samhälle ett antagande om asexualitet hos personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning, när vi egentligen alla är sexuella varelser från födseln till döden, säger Taverner.

Bill Taverner hävdar vidare att undervisning om pornografi i klassrum kan liknas vid att instruera barn hur man använder kondom och att porrkunskap skulle hjälpa eleverna att ”klargöra sina värderingar om ämnet och träffa människor där de är”.

Planned Parenthood har ännu inte kommenterat huruvida Bill Taverners uttalanden är förenliga med organisationens synsätt.


Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) är den amerikanska medlemsorganisationen av International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) och tillika en av dess största organisationer. Planned Parenthood beskriver sin verksamhet som bland annat fokuserad på reproduktiv hälsa, sex- och samlevnad, preventivmedel och abort.




Av Anji - 21 januari 2023 21:28



banned.video tryck på länk här till vänster!


Att döda och kontrollera – En historia av olagliga experiment på människor











Av Anji - 18 januari 2023 23:28



Det måste ju finnas sanningar i detta:


Brittiska statskanalen nedklottrad med fotografier på vaccinets offer

BBC-byggnaden i Yorkshire, Leeds, efter aktionen.
”Media är viruset” och ”media döljer sanningen” var ledorden när brittiska BBC:s kontor nyligen täcktes med bilder på människor som dött efter att ha tagit covidvaccin. Demonstrationen anklagar den statliga kanalen och regeringen för att sprida lögner som i sin tur lett och fortsätter att leda till döden för åtskilliga människor.

Plakat med texter där man klargjorde att den statliga kanalen sprider desinformation tapetserades också på fasaden. Demonstrationen kallas för ”Media is the virus” och startades av grupperna The People’s ResistanceFreedom Fighters och The North Unites, rapporterar The Gateway Pundit.

BBC är förrädare för vårt land”, skriver man i ett inlägg på Telegram.

Totalt sex BBC-byggnader uppges under samma dag ha blivit utsatta för demonstrationen där man också anklagar specifika anställda vid BBC för delaktighet i desinformationsspridning, samt även personer som arbetar inom regeringen för att sprida lögner som i sin tur lett till åtskilliga dödsfall.

Media är delaktiga i de största brotten mot mänskligheten och måste hållas ansvariga för dödsfall och skador som orsakats våra vänner och familjer”, står att läsa i ett annat inlägg på Telegram.



Av Anji - 27 december 2022 17:39



BILL GATES tar över  m m.


The Big Power Grab – Bill Gates Global Health Takeover Is Official




Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • The World Health Organization has become extraordinarily conflicted, primarily through its funding, and by serving corporate masters, it fails miserably at promoting global health.
  • The WHO will form the foundation for a one world government, under the auspice of coordinating and ensuring global biosecurity. This becomes evident when you review the proposed amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) and the WHO Pandemic Treaty.
  • The proposed IHR amendments will erase the concepts of human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms from the equation. The first principle in Article 3 of the 2005 IHR states that health regulations shall be implemented “with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons.” The amendment strikes that sentence.
  • Instead, international health regulations will be based on “principles of equity, inclusivity and coherence” only. This means they can force you to undergo whatever medical intervention they deem to be in the best interest of the collective.
  • The IHR amendments grant dictatorial powers to the WHO director-general and unelected regional directors. The WHO’s “recommendations” will be legally binding by all member states, and will supersede all national and state laws, including the U.S Constitution.

The WHO is actually a specialized agency within the United Nations. It was initially established in 1948 to “further international cooperation for improved public health conditions,” but we can now see that the long-term goal of the WHO is to serve as a foundation or hub for a one world government under the auspice of coordinating and ensuring global biosecurity.

This becomes self-evident when you review the proposed amendments1 to the existing International Health Regulations (IHR) and the new pandemic treaty, which Nass and Corbett review in the featured video.

I also provided details about the treaty in “What You Need to Know About the WHO Pandemic Treaty.” Below, I will primarily focus on the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).

Health Regulation Amendments Will Legalize Tyranny

In a December 16, 2022, Substack article,2 James Roguski also reviewed how a temporary crisis (the COVID-19 pandemic) — which, by the way, is long since over — is being used by the WHO to seize permanent power.

The WHO’s ‘recommendations’ are legally binding by all member states, and supersede all national and state laws, including the U.S Constitution.

Here’s a quick overview of some of the most dangerous and egregious IHR amendments they intend to implement, and what it will mean for you and I. For additional details, see the three references listed here:3,4,5

Eliminating the concepts of respect for human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms — The first principle in Article 3 of the original IHR states that health regulations shall be implemented “with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons.”

The proposed amendment to this Article will strike “with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons.” Now, health regulations will be based on “principles of equity, inclusivity and coherence” only.

What does that mean? Think “You must wear a mask/social distance/isolate/get jabbed to protect others,” even if you’re not sick, or for whatever reason don’t want to do any of those things.

Autonomy over your body will be eliminated. You’ll have no right to make personal health decisions. Even if you suspect you might die from the intervention, you have to comply because it’s all about what’s “best” for the collective.

Individuals won’t matter. Human dignity will not be taken into consideration. Human rights will not be taken into consideration, and neither will the concept that human beings have fundamental freedoms that cannot be infringed.

Another amendment is that public health measures will no longer be aimed at achieving “the appropriate level of health protection.” Instead, the new objective will be to attain the “highest achievable level of health protection” without any consideration of proportionality. It’s easy to see how this amendment will be used as justification for the removal of individual rights and freedoms.

Dictatorial powers will be given to the director-general of the WHO — The director-general will have sole power to declare the beginning and end of a public health emergency of international concern (PHEI), and the sole power to dictate responses (including travel restrictions, mask mandates, lockdowns, business closures and vaccine requirements), and the allocation of resources to that PHEI, including funding and what drugs are to be manufactured and used.

These dictates will override and overrule any and all national laws within member states, including the U.S Constitution.

The obligations under the amended IHR are legally binding, and any member nation that refuses the director-general’s recommendations can be punished through a variety of mechanisms, including economic sanctions and embargoes. Note that the term “recommendation” is defined as “legally binding,” which means they’re actually dictates, not suggestions.

Dictatorial powers will be given to unelected regional directors of the WHO — Similarly, appointed (not elected) regional directors will have the power to determine what constitutes a public health emergency of regional concern (PHERC), and their decisions will also overrule all other laws and Constitutional rights.
Eliminating privacy rights — One of the amendments (page 25) authorizes the disclosure of private and personal data, including genomic data, “where essential for the purposes of assessing and managing a public health risk,” i.e., contact tracing and related efforts.
Expanding censorship — The WHO will “strengthen capacities to … counter misinformation and disinformation” at the global level. In other words, censorship of information will be expanded. The WHO will dictate what “truth” is, and since its decisions are legally binding, countries must enforce compliance.
Mandating vaccine passports and digital IDs globally — The IHR amendments will also give the WHO the power to mandate the use of “health certificates,”6 i.e., vaccine passports. The vaccine passport, in turn, will operate as your digital identification, which will be tied to every aspect of your life, including your bank accounts and social credit score.

In short, it will usher in a surveillance and forced compliance system. The G20 also recently declared that digital vaccine passports standardized by the WHO will be part of international pandemic prevention and response moving forward.


The Trail of Corruption

Ever since its founding in 1948, the WHO has been infiltrated by industry. From Big Tobacco to the nuclear industry and pharmaceuticals, industry has historically dictated the WHO’s global agenda and continues to do so in the present day, putting profits and power ahead of public health.7

In April 2020, then-President Donald Trump suspended U.S funding to the WHO,8 but then directed the U.S funding for WHO to GAVI, which is a Gates controlled charity that likely just sent the funds to WHO. President Joe Biden restored U.S funding once he took office.9

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation even before Trump pulled funding was still the WHO’s No.1 funder, as Gates contributes via multiple avenues, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the vaccine alliance GAVI, the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE), UNICEF and Rotary International.

Gates contributes such a large portion — currently about $1 billion of the WHO’s $4.84 billion biennial budget10 — that Politico in 2017 wrote a highly-critical article11 about his undue financial influence over the WHO’s operations, which Politico said was causing the agency to spend:

“… a disproportionate amount of its resources on projects with the measurable outcomes Gates prefers … Some health advocates fear that because the Gates Foundation’s money comes from investments in big business, it could serve as a Trojan horse for corporate interests to undermine WHO’s role in setting standards and shaping health policies.”

Indeed, as noted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in his book “Vax-Unvax,”12 “The sheer magnitude of his foundation’s financial contributions has made Bill Gates an unofficial — albeit unelected — leader of the WHO.” And, in that role, Gates is able to ensure that the decisions the WHO makes end up profiting his own interests and those of his Big Pharma partners.

A ‘One World’ Health Plan

In October 2022, the WHO announced a new initiative called One Health Joint Plan of Action. The plan was launched by the Quadripartite, which is made up of:

  1. The WHO
  2. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
  3. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
  4. The World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH)

Beyond the amendments to the IHR, this initiative will also expand the WHO’s powers. The One Health Joint Plan of Action combines multiple globalist organizations and synchronizes their plans, while at the same time combining their resources and power to create a centralized global superpower.

Decentralized health care and pandemic planning make sense, as both medicine and government work best when individualized and locally oriented. As it stands, however, the opposite global agenda is being implemented.

While the Pandemic Treaty and the IHR amendments expand and centralize power over human health with the WHO, the One Health Joint Plan expands the WHO’s power to also address “critical health threats” to animals, plants and the environment.

When you add that together with the planned elimination of human rights, you can see how the One Health Joint Plan can be used to enforce climate lockdowns, for example, or travel restrictions to protect wildlife or the environment. To learn more about this plan, see my previous article, “WHO Assembles Superpowers With ‘One Health Plan.'”

Jeremy Farrar Selected To Be WHO’s Chief Scientist

December 13, 2022, the WHO announced that Sir Jeremy Farrar, head of the Wellcome Trust, has been chosen as its new chief scientist.13 The announcement came mere days after the publication of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s deposition transcript,14 which showed he and Farrar colluded to suppress discussion about SARS-CoV-2 origin.

In an op-ed for I News, columnist Ian Birrell warns that with Farrar as chief scientist for the WHO, our chances of ever getting to the truth about SARS-CoV-2’s origin becomes vanishingly small:15

“From the start, the world was failed by the World Health Organization. This UN body — run by a former minister in a repressive Ethiopian regime elected with Beijing’s help — praised China for ‘protecting the people of the world’ despite the dictatorship silencing whistleblowers, declining to share data and delaying to warn about human transmission …

It kowtowed to China with its ludicrous probe of the origins … Now the body has appointed Sir Jeremy Farrar … as next chief scientist. This is a scandalous decision given his central role in trying to seemingly stifle suggestions that SARS-CoV-2 … might not be a natural disease.

Science relies on openness. Yet the more that has emerged in emails, freedom of information requests, leaks and books exposing Farrar’s actions, the less confidence we can have in him holding a world-leading scientific role for all his undoubted expertise and political skills …

There are two issues in the origins debate … The first is the core question of the cause … The second issue smacks of something darker: a bid to cover up any possibility that controversial ‘gain of function’ research to boost infectivity — carried out in Wuhan, aided by Western funding — might lie behind the pandemic …

Gradually, drip by drip, it emerged that Farrar was helping lead a group of experts who colluded to crush suggestions the virus might be linked to research.

Less than a fortnight after China confirmed human transmission, the Wellcome chief hosted a teleconference at the behest of the American presidential adviser Anthony Fauci. It included … several participants who feared COVID might be tied to research.

Suddenly their views shifted from fearing the virus might be manufactured to dismissing such possibilities, despite lack of fresh data or firm evidence … [The] WHO is further undermining its credibility by handing such an influential post to a man embroiled in allegations of tarnishing the integrity of science on such an important quest.”

The Evil Genius of Pandemic Planning

At the same time the WHO is working on its power grab, Gates and other Great Reset allies are planning another pandemic to ensure that transition of power takes place. As you may recall, Event 201 was a pandemic table top exercise that “predicted” exactly what would happen during the real-world COVID pandemic that began three months later.

October 23, 2022, Gates, Johns Hopkins and the WHO cohosted yet another exercise, this one dubbed “Catastrophic Contagion,”16,17 which involved a novel pathogen called “severe epidemic enterovirus respiratory syndrome 2025” (SEERS-25) that primarily kills children.

With that, we can already begin to predict what this next pandemic will revolve around. The COVID narrative was that we must obey irrational health rules so as not to kill grandma. The next round will likely involve getting children vaccinated with whatever new gene-based concoction they come up with.

Seeing how the COVID jab is now on the U.S childhood vaccination schedule, we can also assume that the COVID jab will be increasingly pushed at the same time, in the name of “protecting our children.”

Of course, by the time the next pandemic is declared, the IHR will have been amended to eliminate human rights, freedoms and privacy from consideration, and the WHO Pandemic Treaty will have been signed, both of which grant the WHO absolute power to control pandemic declarations and responses worldwide.

The WHO can then, through its pandemic powers, implement the next phases of The Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution, which are rebranded terms for technocracy and the old “New World Order,” melded with the transhumanist (previously known as eugenicist) movement.

The WHO Is Tasked With Ushering in The Great Reset

As explained in “What You Need to Know About ‘The Great Reset,'” technocracy is an economic system of resource allocation that revolves around technology — in particular artificial intelligence, digital surveillance and Big Data collection — and the digitization of industry and government.

This in turn allows for the automation of social engineering and social rule, thereby doing away with the need for democratically elected leadership. While the real plan is to usher in a tech-driven dystopia free of democratic controls, they speak of this plan as a way to bring us back into harmony with nature and saving the planet (i.e., the Green agenda and Agenda 2030).

In “We Will Be Sacrificed for Global Standardization of Systems,” I review the self-proclaimed “ruling elite’s” plan to control everything on earth, from land, water and minerals to plants, animals, food, energy, information and human beings. This plan is known as the Agenda for the 21st Century, or simply Agenda 21.

This roadmap for global totalitarianism was agreed to by 179 nations, including the U.S., at the 1992 Sustainable Development conference, and we’ve seen various facets of this agenda being implemented throughout the last three years, under the cover of biosecurity and the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Agenda 21 is based on the ideology of “communitarianism,” which argues that “an individual’s rights should be balanced against rights of the community.” Community, however, in the mind of the globalists, is made up of NGOs, corporations and government, which are to dictate what happens around the world. The people are not really part of the equation.

So, the communitarianist philosophy of Agenda 21 and the IHR amendment that removes human rights and freedoms come together like two pieces of a puzzle. The WHO’s biosecurity powers can then be used to pave the way for the more freedom-robbing aspects of Agenda 21.

Take Action to Protect Your Freedom

It’s imperative that we protect our human rights and individual freedoms, and in order to do that, we must educate our Congressional representatives so that they understand the ramifications of going along with the WHO. A template letter that you can use was recently published by the Solari Report,18 copied below for your convenience:



Re: Your position on proposed WHO International Health Regulations amendments, and WHO and government overreach and propaganda regarding COVID inoculations and forced mandates.

Dear Senator/Congressman/woman _____________:

I am/we are [a] registered voter[s] within your district with grave concerns about what [I/we] have read and heard about proposed World Health Organization (WHO) “International Health Regulations” amendments. These amendments would transfer control of the conduct of pandemics to the WHO. According to leaked information on current negotiations, the amendments would, among other things:

  • Remove the word “non-binding,” thereby converting the regulations from recommendations to laws;
  • Remove clearly defined and understood words like “fundamental freedoms of persons” and “dignity,” instead substituting woke terms like “equity,” “diversity,” and “exclusivity,” thereby usurping rights previously granted;
  • Turn the WHO into a pandemic preparedness agency at the whopping cost of $60 billion (as compared with current cost of less than $4 billion); and
  • Require member nations to institute disease surveillance activities.

These International Health Regulations amendments are tantamount to a treaty, which should require approval by Congress by a two-thirds vote. However, it appears that proponents may be characterizing them as mere amendments to current regulations (which would require only a majority vote of the World Health Assembly) in order to try to circumvent the Congressional treaty approval requirement.

Note that the U.S never actually ratified the most recent International Health Regulations amendments in 2005. It should go without saying that international treaties and sovereign immunity powers (which the WHO has) should not be permitted to override the Constitution or the authority of our Congress.

Below is a link to a Daily Sceptic article presenting a letter written to the U.K Parliament by six organizations concerned with the proposed WHO power grab. It summarizes major concerns about the treaty as follows:

  • Overreach of WHO, a nongovernmental organization;
  • Conflicts of interest;
  • Loss of oversight;
  • Censorship;
  • Loss of nationhood;
  • Side-stepping of the democratic process;
  • Conflation of distinct global challenges.

[I/We] believe the International Health Regulations amendments advance the interests of a global elite in creating a technocracy — a virtual digital concentration camp — through national and international medical and other IDs, the “One Health” system, central bank digital currencies, and climate-change-related “sustainable development” and other mandates imposed by unelected technocrats.

The linked Daily Sceptic article is written in the context of the U.K Parliament, but the threats to personal and national sovereignty in the U.S are the same.

In a related development — “related” in the sense that it deals with government propaganda and censorship regarding the so-called COVID “pandemic” and efforts by CDC and WHO to present a false narrative to the American people regarding the safety and effectiveness of COVID and other proposed mRNA and other inoculations and to suppress the health dangers of the inoculations — The Epoch Times reveals (see link below) that the U.S government used a secret Twitter portal to censor COVID-19 content that contradicted the government’s false narrative and engaged in similar censorship activities through Facebook, Google, and other social media platforms.

[I/We] urge you to take action to:

  1. SCRUTINIZE WHO International Health Regulations amendment negotiations before it is too late and the proposals are “adopted” through unconstitutional means;
  2. OPPOSE the proposed and any similar International Health Regulations amendments;
  3. FORCE a Congressional vote on the proposed International Health Regulations amendments as a treaty; and
  4. Consistent with revelations by Sen. Ron Johnson’s recent hearings on the subject of the so-called vaccines and injuries therefrom, REIGN IN the pharma-controlled FDA and CDC in their efforts to:

(a) force vaccine and other medical mandates on the American people,

(b) engage in propaganda that falsely portrays the mRNA and other inoculations as safe and effective,

(c) interfere with the doctor-patient relationship through nefarious schemes to silence and de-license doctors, pharmacists, and other health care providers who disagree with the false narrative and seek alternative, cheaper, and more effective treatments for Covid-19; and

(d) take further actions to shut down schools, businesses, and other activities of American life under the guise of fake, pre-planned, and engineered “pandemics” as a means of asserting government control and ushering in a Chinese-style social credit system.

Thank you for your serious consideration of these matters of great concern to what I/we believe is a vast majority of your constituents.

Very truly yours,

[Your signature]

Related Link: “The Threat From the WHO Pandemic Treaty Should Make Our MPs Sit Up and Pay Attention,” Will Jones, The Daily Sceptic (12/14/22)

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Sources and References


Av Anji - 13 december 2022 18:20



sanktionerna livsmedelsbrist

Så här klarar du en kommande livsmedelsbrist, bränslebrist och risk för svält


“I maj 2020 förutspådde jag, tillsammans med andra experter, att matstörningar och till och med hungersnöd kunde följa covid-19-pandemin. Tyvärr verkar den förutsägelsen gå i uppfyllelse, eftersom matbrist och skyhöga priser kommer att bli långsiktiga fenomen till hösten. Få inte panik, bara förbered dig.”


  • Det blir allt tydligare att allvarlig matbrist kommer att bli oundviklig, mer eller mindre över hela världen, och vilken mat som än finns tillgänglig kommer att fortsätta att stiga i pris.
  • Kostnaden för produkter som används inom jordbruket, som diesel och gödningsmedel, skjuter i höjden på grund av brist – orsakad av en kombination av avsiktliga och tillfälliga händelser – och dessa kostnader kommer att återspeglas i höjda livsmedelspriser för konsumenterna i höst och under nästa år [2023].
  • Mystiska bränder, påstådda utbrott av fågelinfluensa och andra oförklarliga händelser dödar boskap och förstör avgörande infrastrukturer. Sedan slutet av april 2021 har minst 96 gårdar, livsmedelsbearbetningsanläggningar och livsmedelsdistributionscentra över hela USA skadats eller förstörts.
  • Det globala livsmedelsprisindexet har i april 2022 stigit 58,5 % över genomsnittet för 2014-2016, på grund av en konvergens av post-pandemisk global efterfrågan, extremt väder, åtstramade livsmedelslager, höga energipriser, flaskhalsar i leveranskedjan, exportrestriktioner, skatter och konflikten mellan Ryssland och Ukraina.
  • Tillsammans gör alla dessa faktorer oss förberedda för garanterad matbrist, livsmedelsinflation och potentiellt svält på vissa ställen, så nu är det dags att förbereda sig.
  • Du kan agera. Se rubriken nedan: “Få inte panik – så här kan förbereda dig”.

Bakgrund – en kausal utveckling i världen
Du kan nu börja se allvarliga brister i samhället. Förvänta dig förändringar, potentiellt drastiska sådana, under de kommande månaderna och 2023, eftersom det är då de minskade skördarna från den nuvarande växtsäsongen kommer att bli uppenbara, varnar Mercola.

För varje vecka som går blir det allt tydligare att allvarlig matbrist kommer att bli oundviklig, mer eller mindre över hela världen, och vilken mat som än finns tillgänglig kommer att fortsätta att stiga i pris.

I maj 2022 började ett antal experter tala om en oundviklig livsmedelsbrist. FN:s generalsekreterare António Guterres varnade för “spöket om en global livsmedelsbrist under de kommande månaderna” om inte internationella åtgärder vidtas, och The Economist presenterade “The Coming Food Catastrophe” på omslaget”.

Under World Economic Forums (WEF) möte 2022 i Davos sa Kristalina Georgieva, verkställande direktör för Internationella valutafonden, till deltagarna att “ångesten för tillgång till mat till ett rimligt pris globalt slår i taket”, och president Biden, i mars 2022, berättade för reportrar att livsmedelsbrist “kommer att bli verklig”.

En 30 maj 2022, Reuters-rapport visade att det globala livsmedelsprisindexet i april 2022 hade stigit 58,5 % över genomsnittet för åren 2014-2016, på grund av en konvergens av “post-pandemisk global efterfrågan, extremt väder, åtstramande livsmedelslager, hög energi priser, flaskhalsar i försörjningskedjan … exportrestriktioner och skatter” i kombination med Rysslands invasion av Ukraina.


Tillsammans står Ryssland och Ukraina för så mycket som 12 % av alla globalt omsatta kalorier, vilket gör tidpunkten för konflikten särskilt farlig för världen. Inte överraskande har länder som är starkt beroende av import sett de kraftigaste prishöjningarna på livsmedel.


I början av april 2022 publicerade Rockefeller Foundations president Rajiv Shah och Sara Menker, grundare av Gro Intelligence, en artikel i The New York Times där de skyllde på “Putins krig” för den hotande livsmedelskrisen, men vi var uppenbarligen redan på väg mot global hungersnöd långt innan Putin gick in i Ukraina.


Läs mer på newsvoice.se



/Anji    LÄS på, och LÄS Newsvoice.se


Av Anji - 2 december 2022 19:57





FINNS DET FLER LÖGNER? ?? JAAADÅ, inga problem att hitta felen, mer än 5 fel.


LÄS den kopierade Texten nedan och ta till dig att DU har förstått ALLA FEL och




”De har studerat alla tänkbara sätt att manipulera, psykiskt påverka och tvinga dig:

De försöker demoralisera dig från alla tänkbara håll både globalt och i vårt eget samhälle.

De försöker smutskasta dig, skrämma dig och få dig att känna dig skyldig.

De vill utestänga dig ifrån och förbjuda dig att delta i för alla självklara samhälleliga och sociala aktiviteter och att resa.

De försöker muta dig.

De försöker förvirra dig och få dig att ifrågasätta din verklighet och ibland till och med ditt förstånd.

De försöker få dig att överge dina egna principer, värderingar och moral.

De vänder till och med nära vänner emot dig.

Nästan alla faller till föga för detta, men inte du. Så luta dig tillbaka ett ögonblick och inse hur mycket du har fått utstå de senaste 30 månaderna. Ändå gav du dig inte!

Du stod på dig. Du står rak som en fri, stark och självständigt tänkande människa.”






Joh 5:42Jag känner er och vet att ni inte har Guds kärlek i er.
Rom 5:5Och hoppet sviker oss inte, för Guds kärlek är utgjuten i våra hjärtan genom den helige Ande som han har gett oss.
Rom 8:39höjd eller djup eller något annat skapat ska kunna skilja oss från Guds kärlek i Kristus Jesus, vår Herre.
2 Kor 13:13Vår Herre Jesu Kristi nåd, Guds kärlek och den helige Andes gemenskap vare med er alla.
2 Thess 3:5Må Herren leda era hjärtan in i Guds kärlek och Kristi uthållighet.
1 Joh 2:5Men hos den som håller fast vid hans ord har Guds kärlek verkligen nått sitt mål. Så vet vi att vi är i honom.
1 Joh 3:17Om någon har jordiska ägodelar och ser sin broder lida nöd men stänger sitt hjärta för honom, hur kan då Guds kärlek förbli i honom?
1 Joh 4:9Så uppenbarades Guds kärlek till oss: han sände sin enfödde Son till världen för att vi skulle leva genom honom.
Judas 1:21Håll er kvar i Guds kärlek, medan ni väntar på att vår Herre Jesus Kristus i sin barmhärtighet ska ge er evigt liv.






Av Anji - 1 december 2022 19:42



Stora protester i Kina mot covidregler




VÄRLDEN. Det är inte bara i Europa, Afrika och Amerika som människor

protesterar mot den globalistiska covidpolitiken. I senaste helgen uppstod

stora protester Peking, Shanghai och andra städer över hela Kina för

att protestera mot covidrestriktionerna i en “sällsynt uppvisning av kritik” 

mot president Xi Jinpings drakoniska noll-covid-politik som praktiserats i snart

tre år.

Protesterna i Kina sprider sig över hela världen, skriver Epoch Times.

Se mer: China In Focus Full Broadcast (Nov. 29)

Protester på iPhone-fabrik

“Zhengzhou, en stad i centrala Kina där det ligger en enorm iPhone-fabrik, beordrade på torsdagen utegångsförbud för sex miljoner människor efter våldsamma protester på industriområdet som svar på den kommunistiska regeringens noll-Covid-politik.” Det skriver Nya Tider.

Protester över Covid-19-åtgärder och dåliga personalförmåner utvecklades till våldsamma sammandrabbningar mellan hundratals arbetare och säkerhetsstyrkor vid världens största iPhone-fabrik i Zhengzhou, huvudstad i Henan-provinsen.

Myndigheterna i Henan vill att produktionen ska återupptas, men arbetare gör fortfarande motstånd, vilket kan påskynda att mer elektronikproduktion flyttas till länder som Vietnam och Indien, skriver South


China Morning Post.


Videor som cirkulerar på internet visar slagsmål som bryter ut mellan arbetare och säkerhetsstyrkor vid fabriken. Arbetare sparkade ner barriärer och förstörde PCR-kiosker och övervakningskameror.

Produktionen sker i ett slutet system vilket håller arbetare fast inne på ett campus. Med full produktionskapacitet kan Foxconns tillverkningsanläggning i Zhengzhou kontrollera 300.000 arbetare. Avbrottet i Apples tillverkningskedja i Kina kan orsaka stora brister på iPhone 14 under julsäsongen 2022.

Myndigheterna i Zhengzhou svarade med en covidtestkampanj i flera distrikt i staden. Dessa stadsdelar är nu i ”lockdown” i fem dagar från fredag till onsdag.

Text: NewsVoice



/Anji                VAD säger bibeln?  Sjukdomar, Upplopp, demonstrationer, svält, krig,  i stor omfattning i DE SISTA TIDERNA, och DÄR är VI NU.


Läs Joh Upp bok  kap 13, 14  15 


Jesus vet allt och han vill skydda dig med sitt liv, med frälsning.


Reiner Fuellmich (ICIC) speaks on nanotechnology in the mRNA injections



Av Anji - 30 november 2022 20:07

När man pratar om fred blir det krig?   Ett EXEMPEL:    VAD säger Viktor Orban o flera?  FINNS DEMOKRATI VERKLIGEN?

Orbán: Konsten att urholka en demokrati

Ungerns premiärminister Viktor Orbán kom till makten 2010. Sedan dess har han och hans parti, Fidesz, systematiskt nedmonterat landets rättssystem och förändrat valsystemet för att se till att de vinner framtida val. Det blir svårare och svårare att kritisera regeringens agerande, eftersom mediers frihet och civilsamhället begränsas i allt större utsträckning. Det är därför inte överraskande att Fidesz fick två tredjedelar av platserna i parlamentet, trots att de fick färre än 50 procent av rösterna i parlamentsvalen 2014 och 2018.  





AGENDA2030 /NWO, f d Great Reset! = är fullt klar i hemskheterna som skall möta oss inom en snar framtid, man är i full gång att utveckla det som skall komma:

Fullvaccinerade samhällen. Sociala poängsystem. Isolering av mänskligheten. Internetstyrning. Ingen rikedom. Inget ägande. Inga småföretag. Lydnad. Kontrollerad ekonomi. Smart cities. Inget manligt eller kvinnligt. Virtuell verklighet. Total övervakning. Göra alla till cyborgs. Artificiell intelligens. Syntetisk mat. Inga äldre.

DETTA ÄR AGENDA 2030!! 666 och vaccin? Ja MÄRKET som nämns i bibeln, att inte kunna köpa och sälja. (Enkelt uttryckt). Varför tror ni att allt verkar falla ihop nu då??? Jo för att ALLT SKALL ÄNDRAS!














Firar du jul? Jesus är inte född på jul.
 Nej Jesus är inte född på jul
 Julen är katolsk och felaktig
 Finns det mer info att få?

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